Satisfied by the Promise of the Spirit

(Subtitle: Affirming the Fullness of God’s Provision in Spiritual Living)

by Thomas R Edgar

Satisfied by the Promise of the Spirit, by T.R. Edgar

Publisher: Kregel.

Available here.

From the back cover

Have evangelicals at large missed out on the reality of the Spirit’s power? Are all the miraculous gifts of the New Testament era fully operational today? Numerous writers and speakers from Pentecostal, charismatics, and “signs and wonders” groups maintain that such os the case, that Christians who do not seek and practice such gifts have settled for less in the Christian life.

In response to those who profess to have been “surprised” by the reality of charismatic gifts, Dr. Thomas R. Edgar provides a consistent examination of the primary biblical texts used in the current debate over spiritual gifts and the charismatic experience. Dr. Edgar affirms that believers can indeed be satisfied and filled with the Spirit apart from miraculous gifts.

In addressing the positions taken by authors such as Jack Deere in his book Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, Dr. Edgar answers an number of perplexing questions, such as

• Did miraculous gifts cease because the early church stopped believing in them?

• Is a lack of experience the real reason that most Christian disbelieve in charismatic gifts?

• Should believers “covet” spiritual gifts?

• Was Jesus limited in his ability to heal?

• Is there such a thing as “lesser” gifts of prophecy and healing?

• Were there two kinds of speaking in tongues in the New Testament era?

• Do modern cessationists simply lack faith in God?

• Is the promises Holy Spirit sufficient to satisfy every need for godly living?

Thomas R. Edgar received his Th.M. and Th.D. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and is currently Professor of New Testament at Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, Maryland [USA]. He is also author of Miraculous Gifts.

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